
Supreme Court Decisions

Your editorial (“Letting Parents Decide Decency,” March 5) regarding the recent Supreme Court decision on the matter of “indecent” radio and television broadcasts misses a major point.

You are right, of course, that “the responsibility for monitoring what children watch or hear . . . rests squarely with parents, not the government.”

You fail to point out, however, that the initial obligation--and it is a legal one--is that broadcasters are required to broadcast in the public interest, convenience and necessity as stated in the Communication Act of 1934. And there is a responsibility for the creative community as well to produce and to write with a sense of social responsibility, for all of its members to be fully aware of the all-pervasive nature of the broadcast medium and its impact on society at all levels.


Yes, parents have obligations; so do advertisers, networks, broadcast stations and the creative community. If all act responsibly, we need never be concerned about government intrusion.


Beverly Hills
