
L.A. Schools Budget Crisis

In response to “Los Angeles School Board Punishes Officials for Budget Deficit,” March 4:

Decision-making can be a frustrating and thankless job; but with the responsibility comes accountability, a fact that seems to have eluded some of the members of the Los Angeles Board of Education.

I find their public posturing and punitive actions against Booker and members of his staff both hypocritical and self-serving. It seems as if some board members have developed very selective memories.

Booker and members of his staff repeatedly informed board members, both in public and in private, about the consequences of many of their decisions, which they chose to ignore. The board was also reminded of the consequences by Gov. Wilson and members of the Legislature who refused to bail them out, citing what they considered irresponsible financial decisions. Closer to home, former board member Councilwoman Rita Walters constantly reinforced the fact that the board was digging a deep financial hole.


So now they are embarrassed by the size of the deficit. But more embarrassing is their lack of integrity and total inability to accept any responsibility for the decisions they have made.

