
Raggio Selected as Mayor Again in Council Rotation

Carl Raggio was unanimously elected by the City Council on Tuesday as mayor for the second time since he joined the five-member council in 1985.

A retired design engineer from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Raggio, 63, has been particularly active in working toward a mass-transit system and industrial development in Glendale, both issues given high priority by the council this year.

Raggio was instrumental in beginning those projects when he served as mayor in 1988-1989. His new term is part of the customary rotation of the office of mayor.


Raggio in the past year was chairman of the Glendale Redevelopment Agency, composed of the five council members. Typically, the agency chairman moves to the mayor’s position--a one-year, largely ceremonial post.

The new chairman of the Redevelopment Agency is Dick Jutras, elected in 1989 to his first term on the council.
