
O.C. PLATFORM : Good, Clean Fun

JANIS JONES, principal of Foothill High School in Tustin, commented on a recent Orange County survey that found that many parents know of drug and alcohol abuse by their sons and daughters

Schools educate students about the risks of substance abuse. Warnings, however, go unheeded because of the it-couldn’t-happen-to-me syndrome. Student parties--often synonymous with alcohol/drugs and “having fun”--often mark the beginning of substance abuse. How can we change the attitude that party and drugs do not go hand in hand and that it’s more fun to get high on life?

Parents, schools and the community must join together to take a firm stand. When it comes to alcohol and drugs, schools must establish a zero tolerance for drugs--and parents must establish similar rules. They must not succumb to their child’s pleading that “everyone does it.”

Equally important, every home, community, school, church and city needs to sponsor activities where students can have fun without the presence of alcohol and drugs. Our youth will not give up something they consider fun unless we involve them in something better. We all must take the initiative.
