
Bill Clinton’s Draft Status

Thank you for the Sept. 2 article by William C. Rempel.

As a Vietnam veteran who spent 12 months in that hellhole, I take issue with Rempel’s comment, “The controversy that has resulted over Clinton’s draft record has less to do with his efforts to avoid an unpopular war--a common goal of many in his generation--and more to do with questions of whether his public statements as a political figure today have been candid or complete.”

It is very hard for me to understand how one can say just by nothing being illegal, one can shrug off responsibility to the draft board. One of the biggest points has everything to do with Clinton’s “efforts to avoid an unpopular war.” The Vietnam War, unpopular or not, was a commitment made by the United States. Clinton shirked his duty no matter how one looks at it. By Clinton’s efforts to avoid service, he shows a lack of responsibility and lack of moral fiber to lead this country. My question is: What type of anarchy would have followed had all of us shirked from duty?


Redondo Beach
