
Where to Call to Get Help or to Train to Be a Tutor

The motto of the Laubach Literacy Council is, “Each one teach one.” Motivation is the most important character trait for tutors and learners, and this resource list will be of interest and benefit to both:

The central resource for adult literacy programs throughout San Diego County is the San Diego Council on Literacy. For resources and referrals, call 943-0997 (North County coastal) or 740-0997 (North County inland).

Specific North County locations, including training for tutors and getting started as a learner (unless otherwise noted, each is a volunteer tutor program, offering one-on-one training.):


* Carlsbad Library Adult Learning Program serves North County coastal areas, from Camp Pendleton to Solana Beach. Program works only with English-speaking adults. Call 434-2998.

* Mira Costa College Community Education Program offers an adult high school diploma program and various non-credit classes in English as a second language, which include literacy at all levels, and classes in Spanish literacy, preparation for the high school equivalency exam and an adult basic education course for those with reading skills below the sixth-grade level. The Mira Costa Learning Center is in Oceanside. Call 757-2121, Ext. 8902.

* Palomar College Reading Services Program, San Marcos, primarily serves English speakers (there is a separate English as a second language department). Also offered are adult basic education classes; reading training courses, from developmental (basic and learning disabilities) to power reading and vocabulary development for college students. Palomar also has a self-paced lab for independent practice. Classes (2-4 units) cost $6 per unit per semester. Call 744-1150, Ext. 2568.


* READ/2000, the Escondido Public Library adult literacy program offers tutoring for native or foreign-born learners who are fluent in English. A new program provides tutoring on the Rincon Indian Reservation near Valley Center. Read/2000 also offers a monthly support group for adult learners. Call 747-2233.

* Laubach Literacy Council of San Diego County is part of a 60-year-old international program, the largest all-volunteer adult education organization in the United States. The San Diego chapter began in Vista in 1961, and now has 30 centers countywide, 14 of which are in North County. The focus is primarily on English as a second language; most tutoring is individual, with some small group learning. Call 942-4945.

* Literacy Volunteers of America-San Diego is a community-based nonprofit program that is part of a large national organization (400 affiliates). LVA generally provides training for adult volunteers in the city of San Diego, both basic literacy and English as a second language tutoring. Call 235-0383.


* Additional assistance for learners and their families is available through the Orton Dyslexia Society (ODS), San Diego branch. This group, also part of a large national organization, has five branches countywide and is an active member of the Council on Literacy. For referrals, upcoming ODS conference dates and information on support groups, call 295-3722

* The San Diego chapter of the Learning Disabilities Assn. of California (LDA, formerly ACLD) is a resource for learning disability information, advocacy, referrals and support groups. October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month. The 1992 state LDA conference, “Focus on Learning Differences: Skills for the Lifespan,” will be held Oct. 29-31 at the La Jolla Hyatt-Regency and includes Spanish-only sessions and workshops for parents, professionals and learning disabled adults. Call 467-9158.

* The Coalition for Adults with Learning Differences (CALD) offers free monthly self-help support groups in Escondido, La Jolla and Old Town. Call the Learning Disabilities Assn. for information, 467-9158.

* For Spanish literacy programs in North County, contact Mira Costa College, 757-2121, Ext. 8902, or the San Marcos Laubach Literacy Center, 744-0523.

* Voter assistance: Five voter assistance workshops to help people read the ballot will be offered by the Registrar of Voters: Sept. 17, 6-7:30 p.m. at the Escondido Public Library (747-2233), and at the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Center (434-2998), and the same times on Sept. 21 (in Spanish) and Sept. 23 (in English). Child care will be provided. For other sites, call the San Diego Council on Literacy, 232-9921.
