
Odd Vision of Comedy

It is obvious that Hugo Martin (Around the Valley, Times Valley Edition, Oct. 11) saw a completely different show than the rest of the audience, including myself. His vindictive and inaccurate article judged the proceedings based on his particular vision of comedy.

The Funniest Person in the Valley Contest is, as it plainly states in the title, a contest. As the contest progresses, the competition thins. The cream rises to the top. To judge the entire contest on a few comics is a gross misrepresentation.

Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Joan Rivers, Roseanne Barr and others in that league all started out in such competitions and local clubs, honing their acts and, yes, even bombing in front of audiences.


However, very few of the contestants bombed that evening. Most were very funny and many just plain hilarious. Many have a real chance of someday making it big. Why does Hugo Martin want to commit talent racism by grouping them all under one stereotype?

Many of the jokes Martin took out of context were not as unfunny as he would have the reader believe. The comedians competing in the Funniest Person in the Valley Contest are amateurs. What’s his excuse?

BRAD SLAIGHT, Santa Monica
