
Countywide : Community College Trustees to Consider Raising Health Fees

Ventura County Community College District trustees Tuesday will consider raising student health fees from $7.50 per semester to $10.

During the summer, the Legislature gave community college districts the option of raising student health fees to a maximum of $10, said Jeff Marsee, vice chancellor of administrative services.

If the district does not increase health fees, it may suffer if costs for running the three student health centers increase, Marsee said. Last year, the district collected about $463,000 from the student health fees, an amount that almost paid for operating student health centers. The state picks up the rest of the tab, Marsee said, and last year district officials billed the state for about $36,000.


Under the new law, if districts do not take advantage of the new maximum, they will not be eligible to collect from the state for cost overruns, Marsee said.

“We expect costs to increase,” Marsee said. “Health costs are going up.”

Student trustee Jason Henderson said he opposed the increase. “Why not $8, why not $9? Why go immediately to $10?”

Only about 10% of students use the health centers, said Henderson, who favors looking at other options, such as switching to user fees.


The health centers offer first aid, minor diagnostic services, physician referrals and stress-related counseling. All students, regardless of whether they use the centers, must pay the health fee each semester.

If adopted, the higher fee will take effect Jan. 1.
