
Sen. Dole’s Remarks

I’ve been reading Sen. Bob Dole’s (R-Kan.) comments on two issues and I need to get the facts straight.

Throughout the campaign, President Bush and Vice President Quayle have called Bill Clinton a liar for not talking openly about his whereabouts over 20 years ago, but now that President Bush has been caught lying about his “non-involvement” in the Iran-Contra affairs, Dole becomes outraged (Nov. 9). Is it just me, or is there a double standard here?

(Senate minority leader) Dole has also nominated himself “guardian of the interests” of the 57% of the electorate that didn’t vote for Clinton. I think the senator needs to speak to Ross Perot about this, because he received about one-third of those votes and, if I’m not mistaken, those votes were against the present Administration. Isn’t this like the fox guarding the henhouse?



