
The Word on What’s Hip and What’s Hype : Tightknit

That old winter hosiery standard, opaque, can get running. Texture is in, especially styles that sweater the legs, says Hot Sox spokeswoman Gayle Goodman. “It’s part of the latest in tights; a sweatery cotton that’s almost like sportswear.” Victorian lace tights ($17.50) in neutral shades of white, natural and black prove an easy way to soften the menswear influence this season. Lace and pin-stripes offer a good effect of opposites, she says. And it adds a touch of romance to those long, slit skirts.

Great Expectations

As those holiday parties near, there’s no need to abandon sparkling style just because you’re pregnant. In fact, it’s a perfect time to try a new wardrobe idea, says Louella Hundt, veep at A Pea in the Pod. The fashion-forward maternity chain adopts the latest trends to fit mommies-to-be. She suggests starting with velvet leggings, then adding a festive sweater or, for dazzle, a chiffon organza top and a silky camisole. It’s a striking match of comfort and elegance.

Problem Solver

Eyebrows are integral to facial balance, says celebrity makeup artist and Senna Cosmetics founder Eugenia Weston, and they’re not easy. “A woman doesn’t know where to start or end,” she says. After doing brows for 22 years, Weston thinks she’s found a solution: stencils. Her Form-A-Brow kit ($22.50) comes with three of the most common shapes (discovered after testing 200 clients), as well as shades, two brushes and several helpful tips. Those with uncommon brows can get custom cuts at participating places, such as Allen Edwards Salon in Newport Beach.


Picture This

How about your favorite star on the back of a leather jacket? Even better, how about aportrait of your significant other or a pet? Jackie Werblun, owner of Jakeez’ in Newport Beach, has clients coming in ordering repros of everything from their kids to their Harleys on black lambskin motorcycle jackets ($720-$930). “They look better than the (original) picture,” Werblun promises. Just submit a photo. Artists at L.A Roxx airbrush, then seal to sustain wear. Orders take about fou weeks, so place those holiday gift orders soon.
