
It’s Time That Supervisor Roth Left the Board

Supervisor (Don R.) Roth and his self-designated “campaign law expert” attorney Dana Reed must think there are two sets of rules--one for Roth and one for everybody else. How else could there be so many incidents of failure by Roth to disclose acceptance of gifts and loans from those who benefit financially from his influence and support on the Board of Supervisors?

Roth is a political hangover from the days when being “wined and dined” and accepting numerous freebies from vested interests went with the job. Well, those days changed in 1974 when California enacted the Political Reform Act to clean up such political practices. The public no longer wants to tolerate this kind of abuse.

Roth’s time has come and gone. Individuals who use their political power to garner gifts and favors and achieve a higher lifestyle than they could otherwise afford should never be in political office.


It’s pretty apparent that Roth needs to join the ranks of us common folk and learn to pay his own way--something he hasn’t been used to doing for at least the last 10 years.



Shirley L. Grindle is former chairman of the Orange County Planning Commission and a leader of the TINCUP campaign reform organization.
