
PLATFORM : ‘Sex’ by the Peek


We haven’t sold a whole lot, about 10 books, but we’ve done fairly well selling a dollar a peek. It’s a little event, up by the counter.

The first week the book came out there was a lot of interest. But our two main distributors have dropped it now. People have seen it and they’ve realized that it’s not real hard porn and yet it’s sort of tasteless as soft porn, so it’s really not that great a book. It was just the idea that, “Oh wow, Madonna’s coming out with a real sex book. Wow.” So once everybody saw it, it really wasn’t that big a deal.

The point is, however, that this is a young woman who obviously likes to express herself and her sexuality. I think it’s a flash in the pan. I would hate to see mainstream bookstores move toward a lot of heavy pornography. And this is, kind of. If Madonna hadn’t been a celebrity, it wouldn’t have been anything, really.
