
Shorter L.A. School Year

One fact has not been brought forth in any reporting on the potential insolvency of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). In written communications from both state Superintendent of Instruction Bill Honig and L.A. County Supt. Stuart Gothold to LAUSD board members, these two top educators have asked the same information from LAUSD as United Teachers-Los Angeles (UTLA) has in trying to bargain an agreement.

Honig wrote, “Although we disagree with the court, if teacher salaries cannot be reduced, then I would urge you to recommend other reductions, such as program cuts and reductions of positions and salaries in all non-certificated salary categories, including administrators.”

Gothold said, “Unless the district can demonstrate to us that it has other viable options to consider in lieu of salary cuts in 1993-94, or unless the contract contains contingency language that provides the district adequate fiscal protection,” the county would then step in and disapprove the LAUSD’s budget.


LAUSD has only one solution to this fiscal crisis; cut the salaries of the people who deliver education to students as well as others and instead maintain the status quo. The cost is too high. Teachers and support services personnel will leave LAUSD in droves.

