
A Different Kind of Movie

Memo to those poor beleaguered filmmakers whose movies are slapped with the NC-17 rating and who hypocritically protest that they just don’t understand it (“R vs. NC-17--What’s the Difference?,” Jan. 18): I could happily live the rest of my moviegoing life without being subjected to big-screen male frontal nudity or explicit sex or graphic violence or any of the other grotesqueries that seem to be the calling cards of “serious” movie makers.

I love movies and consider myself an informed and fairly sophisticated moviegoer, but, in recent years, more often than not, I leave the theater feeling virtually assaulted by the vulgarity, the profanity, the indecency, the violence and the total amorality of what I’ve just witnessed.

Here’s my challenge to filmmakers: Try making an intelligent, thoughtful, involving film featuring no sex scenes, no nudity, no profanity and no violence. The risk you run, of course, is being slapped with a G rating, which strikes far more terror into your hearts than does the NC-17.



Huntington Beach
