
LAGUNA BEACH : City Tries Inn Thing to Cut Out Smog

In this city which still offers free tennis shoes to city employees who walk to work, officials have seized upon another plan to separate drivers from their vehicles.

The City Council this week unanimously agreed to launch an incentive program offering City Hall employees a free night at a local hotel if they car pool, bus ride, bicycle or walk to work for three months.

If officials were enthusiastic about the plan, city employees were a bit uncertain.

“I don’t know,” Deputy City Clerk Rosalie Allen said. “I bet you have to give up your tennis shoes if you want a night at the Hotel Laguna.”


The plan also offers free Laguna Beach bus passes to all workers whose jobs are located in the city.

Funding for the program comes from motor vehicle registration fees. The Air Quality Management District distributes the money either by awarding grants for competing programs or distributing funds to cities based on population.

Last year, Laguna Beach was awarded money to buy an electric trolley. This year, the city has been given another grant to convert police patrol cars from gasoline to propane.


The goal is to reduce vehicle traffic and cut down air pollution.

Mayor Lida Lenney said the city’s staff has been “wonderfully inventive and insightful with regard to these issues.”

Councilman Wayne Peterson said many options remain.

“The goal is to get people out of their cars,” Peterson said. “It could have been cash, it could be a gift certificate, it could have been a turkey.”
