
Area Doesn’t Need Growth

Your Feb. 15 article about Chuck Cohen, the developer’s lawyer, was fascinating. I especially enjoyed the fact that Cohen needs less sleep as he grows older. Reminds me of a guy named Scrooge. Maybe Cohen is afraid of what his conscience has in store for him.

The myth that growth has a positive impact on living standards has been debunked so often that it amazes me that people like Cohen still try to perpetuate it. And your portrayal of the lawyer as a lovable curmudgeon was especially revealing. Gosh, why would a newspaper want to encourage growth? Hmmm . . .

How can a rational person look at Southern California with its droughts, urban blight, pollution, transportation and infrastructure problems and say that we need more people here?


Sweet dreams, Mr. Cohen. When you’re in bed with the soulless developers and the corrupt politicians, you need to watch out for the ghosts of the hills, the wildlife and the happy little communities that you’ve helped to destroy.


