
AAUW Right on Pamphlet

Concerning the sex education pamphlet proposed by the Thousand Oaks board of education, I strongly agree with the American Assn. of University Women’s objection to this pamphlet promoting “Christian concepts.” This is clearly a violation of the doctrine of separation of church and state.

I was dismayed that school board member Dorothy Beaubein cavalierly dismissed their objections as “garbage.” Public schools have an obligation to disseminate sex education information based on medical and scientific facts, not on any religion’s lifestyle. Also, while it may not advocate any particular religious attitude, it would certainly imply one and that cannot be tolerated.

The fact that the Family Life Materials Review Committee unanimously approved this pamphlet shows that the committee needs a more diverse viewpoint. It certainly does not reflect the values of all Thousand Oaks residents. They should try again to include a member of another religion. Just because one rabbi couldn’t join shouldn’t stop them from asking another person of a different faith. This is not a Christian school district. It is a public one.



Thousand Oaks
