
Save Canyon From Dump

I read with interest the article regarding the “rich, famous and powerful” group of Ojai residents who support the Hammond Canyon site for a landfill (“Trying to Dump Weldon,” Feb. 15).

Hammond Canyon is home to coyotes, deer, wild pigs and I have even encountered a badger and a bobcat. This pristine canyon has beautiful oaks, sycamores and creeks coming out of every side canyon eventually flowing into the Ventura River. This group supports covering this up with trash? That will be better for our environment?

Let’s get realistic. No one wants a landfill in their neighborhood. What about pursuing the alternatives regarding shipping our trash out of state? Those representatives are lobbying for our business.


I doubt if any of the members of Ojai Valley Assn. for Clean Air live on Sulphur Mountain, looking down on beautiful Hammond Canyon.


