
Study of Child-Care Center in a Mansion

Am I missing something? We don’t have enough money in Los Angeles to keep libraries open or hire more police officers, but the Los Angeles City Council has approved appropriation of $70,000 for a design study for renovation of the Ziegler House in Highland Park, and its conversion to a child-care center (Times, Feb. 25). An additional $950,000 is to be spent on the actual renovation--plus parking installation, landscaping, hazardous material removal and special costs to comply with historical preservation. Child care is a very important priority, but do the rug rats need a historic mansion? Servicing an indebtedness of this size would cost over $10,000 a month, not counting salaries, accounting, insurance and upkeep. How are we going to pay for this, invite Michael Milken’s children? If L.A. is going to pay this kind of money for child-care facilities, it can use my house and I’ll retire early in Newport Beach. RANDY RANDALL Los Angeles
