
NATIONAL FOREST : Forest Service Asks Public Involvement

The public is invited to attend a seminar next week that will focus on how to get more volunteers, businesses and philanthropic organizations involved in U. S. forestry programs.

Beginning Tuesday, the Forest Service will hold a series of lectures and workshops on the issue at the Mandalay Beach Hotel in Oxnard. The daylong sessions begin at 8 a.m. and will run through Friday, said Earl Clayton, a spokesman in the agency’s Goleta office.

Forestry officials want to increase the private sector’s involvement in activities in Los Padres National Forest because of continuing budget problems, Clayton said.


“We’re going to have to depend a great deal more on volunteers in the future,” he said.

Speakers at the conference include forestry officials from California and Washington, business leaders and representatives from groups such as the California 4-Wheel-Drive Club.

The event is free, and no registration is necessary.
