
National Service

The Times in its editorial (“Plenty of Vision, Paucity of Detail,” March 5) supporting President Clinton’s National Service Initiative said that the program signals “a refreshing break with the self-indulgence of the last decade.” I take issue with this because the average American sweated and worked as hard to support his family, community and nation in the ‘80s as he had at all other times. Coupled with an ever-increasing tax burden, this translated to less self-indulgence and more sacrifice on the part of the middle class.

While the standard of living of average Americans plummeted, there were those who came out on top. So, let’s differentiate between the track record of the average citizen and the self-indulgence of Uncle Sam and his family of bureaucrats, Congress, the S&L; gang and others who have used the resources of our land to enrich themselves at our expense.

Clinton’s new program is another example of government self-indulgence that will further enrich government and its lenders but will leave you and me with yet another bill.



Los Angeles
