
Anti-Hunting License?

Reading Jenifer Warren’s article, “Trapper’s Trade Is the Latest Kill” (Feb. 27) about the declining trapper’s trade, is certainly heartening. Hopefully, the next time we read an article in The Times about California’s trappers, there will be only 35 trappers instead of the present 350, the rest having also gone the way of the dinosaurs.

Now in these days of change, isn’t it time we took a look at why less than 1.5% of our population, the hunters, have first dibs on all of California’s game wildlife, denying the rest of us, the other 98.5%, the pleasure of even seeing wildlife?

I’d bet that with a little promotion we could easily find 5% or more of the population who would buy an anti-hunting stamp to replace the present hunting license revenue. And certainly those hunters who must satisfy their urge to kill would be greeted with open arms by adjoining states.



Huntington Beach
