
Jesse Jackson Is Arrested at Refugee Rally

<i> From Associated Press</i>

The Rev. Jesse Jackson was among 41 protesters arrested during a rally Monday to protest the detainment of HIV-infected Haitians at the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Jackson was arrested after he sat down in the middle of Fifth Avenue as the afternoon rally was ending. About 100 people attended.

“The President has two standards,” Jackson said as he was taken away. “We want Clinton to take the high moral road and do what’s right.”


Police equipped with folding gurneys hauled Jackson, the Rev. Herbert Daughtry and others into police wagons as patrol officers scuffled with reporters and photographers.

Police said the protesters would be charged with civil disobedience. Three were also charged with resisting arrest.

Earlier, politicians and celebrities joined Jackson and other activists at a makeshift podium next to a mock Statue of Liberty bound in barbed wire.
