
Los Angeles School Reforms

In response to “L.A. Schools OK Historic Reforms,” March 16:

The Los Angeles Board of Education has done it again. It’s no surprise. With typical stealth tactics Leticia Quezada railroaded her proposal to oppose Sen. David Roberti’s legislation (SB 290) to create smaller, local school districts through the board. The outcome of the vote was as expected. Only Roberta Weintraub and Julie Korenstein support the efforts of parents, teachers, business and community leaders to improve our children’s educations by bringing control of our schools back to the community (thus dismantling the LAUSD and its board).

As usual, the general public’s input on what position the board should take was not solicited. Rather than give such an important question the time it requires, the discussion and vote were squeezed into an already full agenda.

Thank you, Leticia. You have added more fuel to the fires of discontent and have created new supporters of Roberti’s bill.



