
Study on Lesbianism

At long last, biologic research has progressed to the point where it can lay to rest once and forever the persistent mythology about homosexuality. The report of a genetic component underlying lesbianism is but the most recent in a string of anatomical, biochemical and genetic discoveries leading inexorably to the conclusion that sexuality is primarily biologic. Indeed, it is beginning to appear that sexuality exists as a biological spectrum.

Once again, certain of our social structures must now adapt to fact rather than superstitious supposition. Remember “gays in the military”? Not more than two months ago, we were told by indignant individuals that removing the barriers to gays serving in the military had no parallel with the desegregation of the military a few decades ago. Wrong. The current movement is exactly analogous to that struggle because one’s sexuality, like one’s race, is biological, and in and of itself is not grounds to judge worthiness. The so-called “life-style choice” only applies to conduct or expression, not the inherent predisposition. Conduct can be and is regulated. But then that has always been so whether homosexual or heterosexual. Where and when one has sex is a choice as is the choice of a particular individual. But the fact of sex, partners of the same or opposite gender, is not a choice.


Beverly Hills
