
Economic Differences

Nothing makes more entertaining reading than a liberal writer attempting to explain the feelings and experiences of the “real” working man to the ignorant rest of us. Molyneux seems to believe that all high-wage earners have been lavishly compensated since the age of 18, thus making themselves immune to any understanding of the limitations faced by others.

I contend that what brought about my current above-average income was precisely my all-too-clear understanding of the dreary limitations of the average wage. The unique lifestyle that went with along with my $700-a-month job is not easily forgotten. So I did what Molyneux does not consider possible: I found out which jobs were paying well and obtained the necessary qualifications. For some reason this is considered a bizarre response to discontent with one’s paycheck.

The process was certainly slow, often frustrating and very tedious, but the rewards were great: I now get a vacation every year and am spared self-righteous liberals championing my cause.



Los Angeles
