
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : ANGELS : Gruber Takes a Few Swings

Third baseman Kelly Gruber isn’t predicting a miracle comeback and wonders if the Angels will have a role for him when he returns, but finally Wednesday he was starting to feel like part of the team.

Gruber, for the first time since undergoing rotator cuff surgery Feb. 16, was able to take 30 swings off a tee and participate in infield practice.

“It’s been so long,” Gruber said, “I wasn’t sure I could do it again. I felt good, I’m not going to tell you it felt great, but not bad.


“I’m probably at about 30%, but I’ve got time enough to get ready. I don’t want to overload the circuits.”


Angel rookie J.T. Snow, who quickly is becoming a fan favorite at Anaheim Stadium, said he has become immune to the abundance of publicity.

“Hey, I rarely even read the papers,” said Snow, “unless I’m checking out the box scores. I don’t even get a newspaper delivered to my house, and I’m usually too lazy to go out and get one.


“Now, my dad, that’s a different story. I think he gets three newspapers, and reads every word written about me.”


Although there has been no official announcement, New York Yankee pitcher Jim Abbott is expected to make his return against the Angels on Wednesday, April 28 at Anaheim Stadium. “I’m sure everyone will be looking forward to that one, huh?” Snow said. . . . Outfielder Stan Javier was told by Dr. Lewis Yocum on Tuesday night that his tender shoulder is due to normal wear and tear, and there’s no need to explore the possibility of surgery until the off-season.
