
Burbank Airport

Fascinating, isn’t it? Neither the City of Los Angeles nor the Los Angeles Unified School District has enough money to meet public demands in carrying out their legal obligations of public protection and public education. Yet both have plenty of money to file expensive lawsuits against the Burbank Airport’s EIR (April 22).

The financially strapped city and schools will have to spend $500,000 on their lawsuits. Maybe more to pay for outside counsel. The airport will spend the same.

And what will the city and the schools get if they win, which is no sure thing? They might get a new EIR. And they’ll certainly get an expensive delay in building a new terminal, which is at least a decade overdue already.


The big losers in this lurch to litigation are the city’s taxpayers, who’ll see their protection and education “contributions” wasted on legal fees. Also losing will be the millions of business and personal travelers who’ll continue to struggle along in an outmoded, 63-year old terminal that’s too close to the runway.


Van Nuys
