
LOS ANGELES : Supervisors OK Renaming Streets for Cesar Chavez

The Board of Supervisors has started a process aimed at renaming parts of two Eastside streets for United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez.

“Cesar Chavez devoted his life to raise the conscience of America as to the plight of farm workers in this country and the unhealthy and intolerable working conditions which they have to endure,” said Gloria Molina, author of the resolution.

The supervisors voted 3 to 0 to begin the process of renaming a stretch of Macy Street--from Olvera Street to Mission Road--and Brooklyn Avenue--from Mission to Atlantic Boulevard--”Avenida Cesar Chavez.” Supervisors Mike Antonovich and Deane Dana abstained.


Chavez, who founded the UFW in the 1960s and led a nationwide boycott of table grapes during the ‘60s and ‘70s, died in his sleep April 22 in San Luis, Ariz., near his birthplace.
