
Senators on Gays in the Military

Two more articles (May 11 and May 12) on why military experts and servicemen don’t want the ranks opened to gays continue to circle the one and only real reason. Most straights don’t like gays. Most straights don’t want to be around gays. And, most straights don’t understand gays.

All the talk of morale, camaraderie and unit cohesion is merely a smoke screen for the simple fact that the average guy doesn’t want to work around someone he doesn’t approve of. It doesn’t matter that this lack of approval is based on ignorance and prejudice.

The most telling argument now is that should homosexuals be allowed to serve in the military, they most assuredly will be subjected to bashing and even murder at the hands of their fellow servicemen. Perhaps the military would be better served if it stopped worrying about homosexuals and instead cleansed itself of the kind of hatred, prejudice and ignorance that make the prospect of harassment, beatings and murder a foregone conclusion.



Aliso Viejo
