
Countywide : Holiday Closings

Monday is Labor Day, which traditionally marks the end of summer. The following will be closed in observance of the holiday:

* City, county, state and federal offices. The Department of Motor Vehicles office at 1330 E. 1st St., Santa Ana, will be closed today.

* Schools, including colleges and universities.

* County, state and federal courthouses.

* City and county libraries.

* Banks and savings and loans.

* Mail: No mail pickup or delivery, but mail dropped at a post office will be posted.

* Trash: No trash pickup by city or county workers. Trash will be collected a day late for the rest of the week except in Anaheim, Fullerton and Orange, where both Monday and Tuesday collections will take place on Tuesday.


* OCTD: County buses will run on a holiday schedule. There will be no dial-a-ride or car-pool services available.

* Parks: All city- and county-run parks and recreation facilities will be open during regular hours.
