
OXNARD : Armory Event Draws 200 to View Displays

The lure of tanks, snipers and guns drew about 200 Ventura County residents to an open house at the National Guard Armory in Oxnard Sunday.

The battalion, which moved to the site in July, held the event to promote the National Guard and attract prospective volunteers, Lt. Tim Fessier said.

“We don’t do this too often, but it’s a great way for us to promote what we’re doing and reach out to the community,” Fessier said.


In the armory yard, soldiers dressed in camouflage gave tank rides and mingled with visitors. They also simulated sniper attacks, shooting at other soldiers dressed in old Soviet uniforms.

“This is great,” said David Tellez, 12, of Oxnard. “You get to see all these things in real life that you only see in the movies.”

Inside, visitors collected free bumper stickers and key chains and viewed a display of military uniforms. Several machine guns were propped up on the floor.


Joe Urango, of Oxnard, admired the collection, explaining the uniforms and weapons to his 3-year-old son Marcus.

Marcus squatted momentarily at the base of a machine gun. “Stick ‘em up,” he shouted, “Bang! Bang!”

“We have a lot of guns at home that are plastic,” Urango said. “I explained to him that these are different because they are real.”
