
Let’s Be Frank(ing), Rep. Rohrabacher

Re “Rohrabacher Targets Commerce Secretary” (Oct. 5): The “Honorable” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) should take the time to redress his own transgressions and leave the investigation of Commerce Secretary Ronald H. Brown to the FBI. Lest the taxpaying public forget, Rohrabacher flagrantly abused his franking privilege during last year’s congressional campaign by sending 150,000 misleading, self-promotional mailers at taxpayers’ expense to those voters in the newly created 45th Congressional District that, due to reapportionment, he did not represent at the time.

Until Rohrabacher personally reimburses the public coffers, with interest, for the thousands of dollars he unethically usurped to help finance his campaign, his questioning of another public official’s conduct is the epitome of hypocrisy.


Huntington Beach
