
Tollway: Road to Highway Robbery

* I am seeing red after reading your article of Oct. 3 regarding the Tollway Commission “takeover” of Newport Coast Drive.

As an Irvine resident, I have used Bonita Canyon Road to reach MacArthur Boulevard on a daily basis for years.

Bonita Canyon has connected to MacArthur Boulevard for decades (it is shown on the 1945 AAA map for this area!), long before Newport Coast Drive was built and replaced Bonita Canyon’s west end.


How can this stretch of public roadway suddenly be claimed for tollway use? Talk about highway robbery!

And to say that this should be of no surprise to the public. . . . Since when did a financial statement to prospective bondholders constitute public disclosure?

On the contrary, I suspect there has been much “finger-crossing” going on by tollway officials with the hope that this highway robbery would not be discovered until it was “too late”!




* Who will be using the northbound exits on the new San Joaquin Hills traffic corridor?

Why should the taxpayers pay for a new Ford Road that hooks up to the traffic corridor? Who would want to use it? Why not save the money and use it to keep Newport Coast Drive free from tolls?


Newport Beach
