
Twinning Experiment

Re “A Threat to Individual Uniqueness” by Daniel Callahan, Commentary, Nov. 12:

Identical twins should be outraged by the ugly tone of rhetoric about twinning/cloning, of which Callahan’s article is only the latest.

First of all, the recent experiment at George Washington University involved twinning, not cloning. Only a poor word choice by a New York Times writer invoked the current round of fears about a “brave new world.” Twinning is the early division of a fertilized ovum so that two identical individuals are created simultaneously (the same age, neither is an original nor a copy). Cloning would be the creation of a new embryo from an existing organism. The only difference is that a clone would be younger than the original. In either case, the result is two individual personalities who just happen to be genetically similar. It is neither dangerous nor monstrous nor hideous.

I have an identical twin brother. We look alike. Even though we are now in our forties, when we go out together people still sometimes stare or even come up and ask if we are twins. Many aspects of physical appearance, emotions, mannerisms and behavior that have a genetic component are expressed in very similar ways. We are also unique individuals. Different personal histories and experiences have led to substantial differences in lifestyle, habits and opinions. We have fascinating discussions about different religious and political viewpoints.


Having an exact genetic match does create a special relationship but does not make us mindless robots or slaves to sameness. It is not really so horrible.


