
Countywide : $400,000 OKd for Youth Athletic Fields

The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to spend $400,000 for improvements to youth athletic fields in Orange and Anaheim.

The money, which will be combined by $200,000 raised through city, school and community efforts, will be used for projects such as renovating fields, adding lighting to athletic areas and creating room for storage and vending needs.

Supervisor William G. Steiner, who recommended the grant after months of meetings with leaders from several groups, said the improvement package shows what can be achieved when government works with the community.


About $300,000 will go toward major renovations of fields at Anaheim Hills Elementary School, including the installation of lights. The remaining money will be used on improvements at three schools in Orange--Portola Middle, California Elementary and La Veta Elementary.

The Orange Unified School District, which encompasses the four schools, contributed $100,000. The district also donated three modular classrooms that will be converted to store sports equipment or provide youth group meeting space and a place to sell snacks during games.

Another $100,000 has been committed to the plan by the city of Anaheim and community youth groups that will sponsor fund-raisers. Steiner said the improvements would be completed before the end of next year.


The county’s share was taken from a fund set aside for urban parks in Steiner’s district.
