
SEEKING SHELTER: Fewer people are spending the...

SEEKING SHELTER: Fewer people are spending the night outside at Red Cross shelters (above). . . . But the number housed at indoor centers has hardly fluctuated since the quake. Every night, about 6,000 sleep inside, while those remaining in tents outside has dropped substantially the last few nights.

DOWN THE HATCH: For many anxious Angelenos, the quake and aftershocks have caused more than nightmarish commutes, bureaucratic hassles and awkward sleeping arrangements. Many have turned to pills and alcohol to relieve the stress, say local pharmacists. . . . Survivors also have developed other new habits, from what they wear to bed to how close they drive to freeway overpasses. (E1)

LUCKY LENDERS: Surveying the condemned and damaged homes, one might assume Southern California lenders are big-time losers in the wake of the 6.6 quake. But it’s not so. Glendale Federal said only about 1% of its homeowners had serious damage; meanwhile, a Great Western Bank spokesman said the quake did not hit the Chatsworth lender hard. (D1)


PLAY BALL: The Cal State Northridge gymnasium remains a mess, but at least the track and field, baseball, softball and tennis squads have been given clearance to practice at outdoor facilities on campus. . . . In fact, the gym may be ready early next week. The basketball team is using UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion for practices, and the volleyball squad is working out at Occidental College.

TOO LATE NOW: You probably didn’t know it, but since the quake, parking enforcement officers haven’t had the time or personnel to check most meters. But this incidental kindness cost the city about $100,000 a day, so the reprieve is about to end. City Councilman Nate Holden has instructed officials to go back to regular collecting, except in areas around shelters, disaster application centers and collapsed parking structures. (B6)

Seeking Shelter

Number of people taken care of at Red Cross shelters.

People People January indoors outdoors* 18th 3,600 19th 6,000 20th 6,000 21st 6,677 3,957 22nd 6,158 3,057 23rd 6,158 3,067 24th 7,576 3,150 25th 5,845 2,243 26th 6,009 1,133


* Includes Red Cross tents and those set up by individuals; no outdoor shelters were available prior to the 21st.

Source: Red Cross
