
How to Help


What it’s doing: Runs three shelters, two service centers (providing social services, directions to other agencies offering assistance, meals), sponsors 414 volunteers from around the country, has served more than 23,315 meals, has provided more than 400 people with mental-health assistance and more than 300 people with physical care. Spending estimates for the disaster: more than $1 million.

What it needs: IBM-compatible 486 computers to keep track of volunteers and casework information, IBM-compatible laptop computers, generators to back up power at its Ventura headquarters and service centers, money to provide grocery vouchers, and bilingual volunteers, especially with skills in casework management and/or nursing.

Where to help: The mailing address is P.O. Box 5850, Ventura, CA 93005-5850. For information, call 339-2234.



What it’s doing: Collecting and delivering goods to St. Francis of Assisi Church in Fillmore; giving Spanish and English talks to parents in Fillmore regarding the aftereffects of earthquakes, and signs and symptoms of stress on children; helping Simi Valley police and the Red Cross relocate 250 senior citizens displaced in five mobile-home parks; setting up a relief site at St. Peter Claver Church, 5649 Pittman St., Simi Valley, and sending volunteers door-to-door to ask the needs of the remaining seniors and dispensing goods as needed.

What it needs: Volunteers to help sort, box and label items for more efficient distribution, volunteer drivers to deliver the donations to various sites around the county, warm clothing, rain gear, blankets, sleeping bags, large, heavy-duty garbage bags, diapers and wipes, and money for shelter, medication and special needs of the displaced.

Where to help: The mailing address is 798 E. Thompson Blvd., Suite B, Ventura, CA 93001. For information, call 643-4694.



What it’s doing: Distributes food, clothing and blankets.

What it needs: Food--especially margarine, peanut butter, tuna, canned stews or canned meats, spaghetti, spaghetti sauces--and money.

Where to help: Care and Share is at 1925 Royal Ave., Simi Valley. For more information, call 522-5676.


What it’s doing: Site of a Red Cross service center, provides food to earthquake victims.

What it needs: Monetary donations.

Where to help: The center is at 533 Santa Clara St., Fillmore. Its mailing address is P.O. Box 365, Fillmore, CA 93016. For information, call 524-4533.



What it’s doing: Food Share has supplied 1,200 blankets, 20,000 pounds of diapers and multiple truckloads of water. Through donations from Second Harvest, another county food bank, Food Share has also provided 20 truckloads of food to earthquake victims.

What it needs: Food and money.

Where to help: Food Share’s mailing address is 4156 South Bank Road, Oxnard, CA 93030. For information, call 983-7100.


What it’s doing: Provides medical care and legal assistance. Staffed by volunteer doctors, nurses and attorneys. Open 5 to 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Where to help: The clinic is at 2060 Tapo St., Simi Valley. For information, call 522-3733.


What it’s doing: Providing tents, blankets and grocery store vouchers.

What it needs: Disposable diapers and money to pay for grocery vouchers.

Where to help: Its mailing address is 1925 Royal Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065. For information, call 527-1070.


What it’s doing: Provides primary health care to low-income, uninsured and underinsured residents of Ventura County. Its Saticoy, Oxnard and Ojai clinics survived the quake, but its Fillmore clinic was destroyed and is operating out of a donated portable unit. Where the clinic once served more than 60 clients a day before the earthquake, it can now serve barely 20 a day.


What it needs: Monetary donations, medical supplies, donated space in Fillmore to provide medical care and counseling to earthquake victims.

Where to help: The mailing address is P.O. Box 4669, Ventura, CA 93007. For information, call the Fillmore clinic at 650-0688.


What it’s doing: Offers residential treatment for chemically dependent women.

What it needs: The center’s Simi Valley facility was heavily damaged in the quake, and all Simi Valley clients have been temporarily moved to the Oxnard facility. Center officials estimate the damage at $10,000 to $12,000. Rainbow needs volunteer plumbers, carpenters, masons, painters and people who can repair cracks in walls; paint; window and screen replacements; a new, 60- to 70-gallon water heater, and monetary donations.

Where to help: The mailing address is 1826 E. Channel Islands Blvd., Oxnard, CA 93033. For information, call 487-4663.


What it’s doing: Serves 70 to 90 youngsters after school or on school holidays.

What it needs: The 6,000-square-foot clubhouse was severely damaged and is not usable. Club officials estimate the damage at $125,000. The Boys & Girls Club is in need of volunteer electricians, plumbers and anyone with construction skills, and monetary donations.

Where to help: The mailing address is P.O. Box 644, Simi Valley, CA 93062. For information, call 527-4437.



What it’s doing: Child care, parent-child programs, fitness programs, camping, programs for teen-agers. Out of a yearly budget of $3.5 million, the earthquake cost the organization $23,000 in damages and lost revenue at the Simi Valley and Agoura Hills-Westlake centers.

What it needs: Monetary donations.

Where to help: The mailing address is 3609 Thousand Oaks Blvd., No. 222, Westlake Village, CA 91362. For information, call 497-3081.
