
Airport for El Toro to Be Forum Topic

The pros and cons of converting the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station into a commercial airport will be discussed March 9 at a community forum sponsored by the Irvine Chamber of Commerce.

Newport Beach Mayor Clarence J. Turner will speak in favor of turning El Toro into an air cargo facility when the Pentagon closes the base at the end of the decade. Retired Col. Leonard Fuchs will speak against the idea.

Chamber of Commerce officials said the event is designed to present residents with both sides of the airport debate. A previous chamber-sponsored forum focused on how the base conversion process works.


Irvine and several other South County cities oppose converting El Toro into an airport, fearing the move would cause noise, traffic and pollution problems.

Officials from Newport Beach, Garden Grove, Anaheim and several other cities support the airport concept because they said it will give the local economy a needed boost.

The forum will take place at the Irvine Civic Center from 7 to 9 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. The event will also be televised live on Dimension Cable Channel 3.


After Turner and Fuchs make their presentations, a panel of local experts will field questions from the audience.
