
Pop Album Chart

Rank Rank 2 Weeks Last Weeks on the Week Ago Chart 1.”Not a Moment Too Soon,” Tim McGraw 1 1 5 2.”Read My Mind,” Reba McEntire 5 ... 2 3.”The Sign,” Ace of Base 3 2 24 4.”The Division Bell,” Pink Floyd 1 1 5 5.”Chant,” Benedictine Monks 4 5 8 6.”August and Everything After,” Counting Crows 6 6 21 7.”Above the Rim,” soundtrack 7 4 7 8.”12 Play,” R. Kelly 8 7 26 9.”Longing in Their Hearts,” Bonnie Raitt 10 8 7 10.”Toni Braxton,” Toni Braxton 11 13 43

Source: Billboard/Soundscan
