
NORWALK-LA MIRADA : 3 Schools Adopt Policy of Wearing Uniforms

Norwalk-La Mirada school officials are planning to include three more elementary schools in September in a voluntary, permanent program for students to wear uniforms. Such a program was established at Edmonson elementary school last fall.

The three additional schools named by the district are Chavez, Sanchez and Morrison. Parents of students at these schools overwhelmingly support the wearing of uniforms, Deputy Supt. Ginger Shattuck said.

At Edmonson, about 70% of the 700 students wore uniforms at first, and about 85% by the end of the year, Shattuck said. Students who chose not to participate were allowed to wear regular clothes to school, as long as they did not violate a district policy banning gang attire.


Individual schools are allowed to choose their own colors, Shattuck said. Most parents support some combination of navy blue, white or dark plaids, she said.

The decision to establish a uniform dress code at the remaining 12 elementary schools in the district is at the discretion of each individual school, Shattuck said.
