
Dog Owners Causing Own Problems

* Having just returned from a trip to Montana where I had the pleasure (?) of visiting the city of Billings, I had an experience that brought to mind the recent Times article about Laguna Beach. Seems that Laguna dogs aren’t very discreet about where they do their business, and “dog parents” aren’t picking up after them.

Apparently in Billings, they had a similar problem. We had our Labrador on vacation with us, and in attempting to seek out a place to walk her one night, we were told by a local that dogs had to be walked in the alleys in Billings. No dogs were allowed in public parks, schools or any public places.

Alas, it just didn’t seem like Billings was a very “user friendly” city.

However, I can see things going in this direction here if dog owners won’t start picking up after their dogs. They wouldn’t even have to buy those fancy blue bubble containers; a simple plastic bag can be tied through the handle on a leash. It’s that easy! But probably like everything else, the privilege of walking a dog in a public place will eventually be lost because people just won’t take responsibility and be considerate of others. And dog owners will be the first ones to yell because a “right” has been taken away. Seems this problem of responsibility starts at a very mundane level!



Corona del Mar
