
O.C. PLATFORM : Put Team Owners on Line

<i> Jonathan B. Webb of Orange, commenting on the L.A. Rams possibly leaving Orange County</i> and the inducements being considered to make them stay<i> , thinks owners have the responsibility to produce a good team. He told The Times:</i>

Players get to the pros by virtue of skill and hard work. They put their bodies on the line each time they step on the field. They get paid accordingly. If they don’t perform they are soon gone.

Team owners get to own teams by virtue of birth or marriage as often as anything else. If they make poor decisions and produce a bad product they have another option. They threaten to leave.

Next thing you know taxpayers are burdened with a huge new debt, and some owner who has demonstrated only that he or she is a poor manager has a new fortune and new stadium to entertain their friends in for a few years.


This process of municipal extortion is a time-honored tradition in the National Football League.

Producing a quality product is a management decision. A poor product is not the fault of the employees or the showroom where it is sold. Team owners are saved time and again through taxpayer largess and vast TV revenue.

Maybe if we’d let owners sink or swim on their own merits we’d see a vast improvement in their performance.
