

Some of the key events Wednesday in the O.J. Simpson murder trial:

* SUMMARY: After a debate over the admissibility of certain testimony, Superior Court Judge Lance A. Ito allowed former Police Officer Ronald G. Shipp to take the stand and tell the jury about a conversationin which Simpson allegedly told Shipp he had dreamed about killing his ex-wife. Legal experts were stunned by Ito’s ruling and said it could offer an appellate issue if Simpson is convicted.

* WITNESSES: Shipp spent the entire day on the stand. He first testified that he tried to intercede between O.J. and Nicole Simpson in the wake of a 1989 incident in which Simpson struck his wife during a fight. Later, he told the jury that on the night after the Brentwood murders, Simpson told him he had dreamed about killing his ex-wife. Under cross-examination, Shipp admitted that he and Simpson were not close friends and that he had suffered from a drinking problem.

* COMING UP: Shipp will be back on the stand this morning, where he will continue to undergo cross-examination by Simpson attorney Carl Douglas.


“He kind of jokingly just said: ‘You know, to be honest, Shipp . . . I’ve had some dreams of killing her.’ ”

--Ronald G. Shipp describing conversation he says he had with O.J. Simpson on June 13, the day after the murders
