
JUST THE FACTS : Airline Complaints

The number of consumer complaints against the nine largest U.S. carriers rose slightly last year, from 3,714 in 1993 to 3,745 in 1994, but the number of passengers carried rose at a steeper rate. Complaint categories include customer service, ticketing / boarding, fares, baggage and the broad category of “flight problems.”


Rank / Airline Complaints* 1. Southwest 0.18 2. Delta 0.50 3. Northwest 0.62 4. USAir 0.66 5. United 0.84 6. American 1.05 7. America West 1.11 8. Continental 1.62 9. TWA 1.92


Rank / Airline Complaints* 1. Southwest 0.23 2. Delta 0.45 3. Northwest 0.63 4. American 0.70 5. United 0.71 6. USAir 0.76 7. America West 1.28 8. TWA 1.58 9. Continental 2.15


* Per 100,000 passengers

Source: Dept. of Transportation
