
Gay Men’s Chorus

We of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles feel it imperative to respond to Chester Burtch’s letter (Feb. 14), where he implies that we might reverse discriminate with the same moral repugnancy as the Boy Scouts of America.

That accusation is false.

GMCLA gladly welcomes any “vocally talented” man regardless of sexual orientation. We are a men’s chorus, the majority of whom are gay. Our mission is to make beautiful music. We do not nave a “don’t ask, don’t tell” audition process.

Burtch has no need to “force his way into” our organization, as we appreciate the diversity of our singers and our audience, gay and straight. Instead, his letter reminds us why it is necessary for us to be out, and political with our name.


We only wish our gay members’ sons and daughters would be as welcome in the Boy Scouts as we welcome them in our music.


Artistic Director of GMCLA


Board Member of GMCLA

West Hollywood
