
LOS ANGELES : Ex-Mayor Bradley Endorses Sanders Over Holden

Former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley stepped out of political retirement Wednesday to endorse attorney Stan Sanders as he tries to unseat Los Angeles City Councilman Nate Holden.

Bradley, who left office two years ago, said at a news conference that Sanders represented the 10th City Council District’s “hope for the future.”

The 77-year-old former mayor, who once represented the 10th District himself, called Sanders’ life--a childhood spent in Watts, a Rhodes scholarship and Yale law degree--a Hollywood success story. He also said the attorney “has never forgotten his roots.”


Sanders called Bradley’s endorsement a “defining moment” that “says a lot about the respect and support” his campaign has gained.

Holden took news of the endorsement calmly but said it surprised him because he believed he had received assurances from the former mayor that he would stay neutral in the race.
