
NBC Ripped for Falling Asleep at the Switch

The NBC genius who made the stupid decision to switch from the closing minutes of a very exciting, close game between Houston and Phoenix to the start of the Laker-Spur game should be locked up in one of their equipment trailers and forced to watch “Heidi” continuously for at least 72 hours.




Who’s the guy who made this decision? Was it some pencil-neck NBA executive whose list of sports credits includes goony golf and a little bowling? Or was it some 400-pound slob who was sleepwalking his way through Mother’s Day with a bag of Cheetos and a Slurpee, following his written schedule on his left and his personal television on his right, which was tuned to “American Gladiators”? TNT would never have done something as galacticly stupid as this.

How can “I love this game” when I don’t get a chance to see it?


Santa Monica
