
Government Workers

So many times I read in your newspaper and hear from the television that we have too much government control. I would like to list some of the government controls that we currently have, for instance: schools, police, firefighters, child welfare workers, Cal/OSHA (safety workers), mail carriers, librarians, park rangers, lifeguards, building inspectors, government engineers (who design roads, who help to assure that building standards are upheld), welfare workers, Social Security workers, weight-scale inspectors, health inspectors and, of course, teachers, just to name a few.

Whenever I read in your paper that a child dies unnecessarily, I read further: Why isn’t there more surveillance of the home?When I read about welfare abuse: Why aren’t there more welfare workers to monitor abuse? When we have disasters, such as excessive rain, fires, flooding, slides, lost children, lost adults, swindlers, poisoned-food epidemics, etc. who do we call on for relief? The government.

The government consists of those people we elect or hire to carry out the laws that are written for our benefit. I have always told my children that most of the time when laws are written, someone has abused a privilege. Which one of the above persons do people want to do without?



