
Reelecting Spraying Backers Is Foolish

* During eight months, Camarillo has been sprayed with malathion 15 times. No Medfly has been trapped for six months. The project director states that it is still too early to know if the program has succeeded.

To my mind the comment is calculated to prepare us to accept another series of aerial sprayings of the poison malathion should the Medfly reappear--as scientists like Jim Carey of the state’s Medfly task force have predicted, saying Medflies are already established in California. Carey predicted that the Medfly would arrive in Ventura, as it did. It will continue to appear, according to Carey.

It has cost the taxpayers more than $1.35 million for aerial spraying in Camarillo. A total of $500 million in taxpayers’ dollars has been spent on malathion aerial spraying on California cities. Agribusiness contributes heavily to the election campaigns of politicians. We are foolish to continue to reelect people who accept this special-interest money and then allow this unnecessary risk to our health.



